Silent Sunday
A Breathing Pause

At this time of year life tends to be very busy, and I know that many are going through times of difficulty and uncertainty, so our theme for this silent Sunday is the invitation to take a breathing pause.
Opening music:
Come now child, lay it down,
Just breathe, just be
Come be cradled in the arms of love
Just breathe, just be
Introduction Talk:
Quiet Prayer
In this guided meditation we will pray using our breath. You can choose between a ten or twenty minute guided prayer.
Listen to the following music as an ending to the time of prayer:
Every breath is yours, Beloved, every breath is yours
Every breath is yours, Beloved, every breath is yours
I give myself to you, Beloved, the self that I thought I was
I give myself to you, Beloved, the self that was false and lost
Every breath is yours, Beloved, every breath is yours
Every breath is yours, Beloved, every breath is yours
Who is it moves in me, Beloved, whose hands, and feet are these?
Who is it moves in me, Beloved, whose heart beats, who breathes?
Every breath is yours, Beloved, every breath is yours
Every breath is yours, Beloved, every breath is yours
Sacred Reading:
Read the following readings through twice or three times, with an attitude of open receptivity. Allow a few minutes of silence between the readings. Listen for any words that call out to you, or that draw you into the sacredness of silence that is deeper than your usual knowing:
Reading 1: Psalm 139:7-12:
Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.
Reading 2:
“God has given to the earth the breath which feeds it.
It is God’s breath that gives life to all things. …
God’s breath vibrates in yours, in your voice.
It is the breath of God that you breathe – and you are unaware of it.”
(Theophilus of Antioch)
Reading 3:
There is a way of breathing
That’s a shame and a suffocation
And there’s another way of exhaling,
A love breath,
That lets you open infinitely.
For Further Reflection:
Below are the quotes from the talk and some additional quotes for you to take this theme further.
David Frenette: "Recognize that the gift of God’s indwelling presence is closer to you than you are to yourself—closer than your breathing, closer than consciousness itself. Your breath is a symbol of the closeness, the intimacy of God. … All you have to do is receive God, awaken to the gift of God’s presence, already given to you. The breath is a wonderful symbol that helps you receive God, in faith, because your breath is always with you in some way or other."
Dr Ela Manga describes conscious breathing as “the most powerful free and available inner resource and natural technology.” … "Breathwork is the act of breathing with intention and attention, transforming what is an autonomic function to a profound tool for sustainable physical and mental wellbeing. It is the foundation of resilience and catalyst for change.”
James Finley: "Every breath is grace. From whence does it arise? It arises as a pure gift of love. In a way, the breath becomes home base. When you panic or get scared, just take a deep breath, get regrounded in "I'm being sustained by love right here as I inhale; God's breathing into me; God's very life is my life, and fear has no foundations."
If you really want to seek Me,
the only place you will find me is—
in this moment, in this breath,
for I am the Breath that breathes through all breath.
Cease your restless searching.
You are already home.
~ Kabir
Ending Prayer:
Holy Spirit, Ruah of God, Breath of our breath, help us in our weakness.
We do not know what we ought to pray for,
or how to breathe in rhythm with you.
Too often we find ourselves cut off, trapped in our constricted selves,
and we miss the life-giving generosity of your free-flowing breath.
Thank you that you yourself intercede for us and for our world
with groans that words cannot express.
Teach us to breathe in rhythm with you,
and to be Christ's hands, feet, body and breath in this world.
May our lives be for healing,
May our lives be for peace,
May our breath be for healing,
May our breath be for peace,
(Adapted from Romans 8:26)
Ending music:
The sun is rising in the east
And the feathered flutes begin trilling in the trees
And I sing to love / Sing to give love
Sing to hold love / Sing to be love
In the morning, thank you, thank you
In the evening, thank you, thank you
In the middle of the day, thank you, thank you
In the deep dark night, thank you, thank you
The sun is shining in the south
And I breathe you in, and I breathe you out
And I breathe in love / Breathe out to give love
Breathe in to hold love / Breathe out to be love
The sun is setting in the west
And the birds begin to sing their rhapsody of rest
And I rest in love / Rest to give love
Rest to hold love / Rest to be love
Mizmor shir leyom haShabbat
In the morning, hallelujah
In the evening, hallelujah
In the middle of the day, hallelujah
In the deep dark night, hallelujah
And I sing to love / Sing to give love
Sing to hold love / Sing to be love
Breathe in love / Breathe out to give love
Breathe in to hold love / Breathe out to be love
Rest in love / Rest to give love
Rest to hold love / Rest to be love
In the morning, hallelujah
In the evening, hallelujah
In the middle of the day, hallelujah
In the deep dark night, halleluja
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Sharon's book that was previously called "Contemplative Living" has been republished by AnamChara Books under the title "Deeper: Finding the Depth Dimension Beneath the Surface of Life". The Kindle version is available from Amazon, and the hard copy version can be ordered from or Takealot, or from your local bookshop through Ingram Distribution.