Why do we pray? Why do we cry to God for help, pray for others, or say thank you to God? In this reflection we explore the transformative potential of spoken prayer.
In this reflection we explore what it means to be free to flow with the infinite possibilities of Divine creativity
In this reflection we will explore the meaning of the resurrection of Christ.
In this reflection we will explore the theme of presence and listening
In this reflection we will explore what it means to be present to Presence.
In this reflection we will explore the theme of I Am
In this reflection we will explore what it means to be grounded and thriving in our lives.
In this reflection we will explore the theme of thirst from an inner contemplative perspective
In this reflection we will explore the parable of the good shepherd, looking at this from an inner contemplative perspective.
In this reflection we will explore the parable of the Good Samaritan, as described in Luke 10:25-37
In this reflection we will explore the mystery of the tiny seed by looking at two of the parables that Jesus told about the mustard seed
In this reflection we will explore the transformative power of compassionate foot washing, as described in John 13:1-17