Like a Seed that is Buried
By Sharon Grussendorff
All of us have times in our lives when everything that is familiar falls away, and we find ourselves in a place where we feel lost and confused in a time of seeming darkness and chaos. This could happen to us individually, or collectively, as in this moment in our collective human history where we are facing immense uncertainty and large-scale suffering. If we can learn to negotiate our way through these times in our lives, they can become opportunities for immense spiritual growth, if we open ourselves to the possibilities that they hold, and to the Spirit’s guidance.
The outline of this reflection is:
An introductory video with a guided quietening and listening to a scripture passage: “I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” (John 12:24)
A video with some reflections about growth through times of difficulty, based on this scripture passage.
Some questions for you to reflect on.
Questions for reflection:
According to Thomas Keating, the false self's programs for happiness revolve around three main areas:
the need for security and survival;
the need for affection and esteem;
the need for power and control.
Which of these stand out for you as something that you are dealing with right now?
In what ways are your emotional responses linked with any of these?
What are you being asked to let go of, or allow to fall away, at this time?
How can your difficult experiences be an opportunity for growth? Can you think of ways in which you can participate with this process of transformation?
In what ways could God be tending your soul, even in THIS?
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