Paraphrase of Psalm 1: Blessed are those who recognise the habitual ways of selfishness, greed and contempt; And who choose instead to return to quiet simplicity and trust, finding again the delight of open-hearted surrender to the Beloved. They are like trees planted by ever-flowing streams of water, that naturally yield fruit that is juicy and delicious, and whose leaves flourish. In all that they do, they cannot help but bring life. Without this rootedness, people are like tumbleweed, blown in the wind. Not knowing the generosity of God’s heart, all they know is scarcity and mistrust. They will be isolated from wisdom, living in their self-imposed prisons of separation. Those surrendered to the Beloved come to know the beauty of Unity, as the illusions that are born from ignorance will perish in the Light of the Beloved’s gaze of grace.
(S Grussendorff paraphrase)