Silent Sunday:
New Every Morning

This Silent Sunday resource is an invitation to move prayerfully into the new year, making room in our hearts for the new, whatever shape it may take. May you find renewal and refreshment as you return to being held in the tender mercies of God, which are new not only in the new year, but every morning, and in each new moment.
Opening music:
Centering Prayer:
The following is a guided Centering Prayer practice, led by David Frenette. You can choose between a 10-minute and a 20-minute time of Centering Prayer.
Read the following passages through twice or three times, and listen for any word or phrase that seems to be inviting you to linger with it. You could play the music in the track above to accompany your reading and reflection.
Reading 1: Extracts from Revelation 21, 22
Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and God will dwell with them.
They will be God’s people, and God will be with them and be their God.
“Behold, I am making everything new!
I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.
To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life." ...
The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!”
Let the one who is thirsty come;
and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.
Reading 2: Isaiah 55:1-3
Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters;
and you who have no money, come, buy and eat!
Come, buy wine and milk
without money and without cost.
Why spend money on what is not bread,
and your labour on what does not satisfy?
Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good,
and you will delight in the richest of fare.
Give ear and come to me; listen, that you may live.
After spending some time with the readings, listen to the following song as a prayer:
In this moment I welcome Thee
Ever giving Thyself to me
A Blessing, by Jan Richardson
Think of the year
as a house:
door flung wide
in welcome,
threshold swept
and waiting,
a graced spaciousness
opening and offering itself
to you.
Let it be blessed
in every room.
Let it be hallowed
in every corner.
Let every nook
be a refuge
and every object
set to holy use.
Let it be here
that safety will rest.
Let it be here
that health will make its home.
Let it be here
that peace will show its face.
Let it be here
that love will find its way.
let the weary come;
let the aching come;
let the lost come;
let the sorrowing come.
let them find their rest,
and let them find their soothing,
and let them find their place,
and let them find their delight.
And may it be
in this house of a year
that the seasons will spin in beauty;
and may it be
in these turning days
that time will spiral with joy.
And may it be
that its rooms will fill
with ordinary grace
and light spill from every window
to welcome the stranger home.
Ending prayer:
Loving Spirit of God,
set at rest the crowded, hurrying
anxious thoughts within our minds and our hearts.
Let the peace and quiet of your presence take possession of us....
Cleanse and sweeten the springs of our being,
that freedom, life and love may flow into both our conscious and hidden life.
Lord, we are open and waiting for your peace,
your healing and your word as we move into this coming year.
May our lives be for healing.
May our lives be for peace.
(From a prayer by George Appleton).
Ending music:
1. Behold, I make all things new.
Behold, I make all things new.
Behold, I make all things new.
Let there be light, let there be light.
2. God unseen is taking form.
God unseen is taking form.
God unseen is taking form.
Let there be light, let there be light.
3. First and last is surging forth.
First and last is surging forth.
The first and last is surging forth.
Becoming light, becoming light.
4. Behold, I make all things new.
Behold, I make all things new.
Behold, I make all things new.
Let there be light, let there be light.
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Sharon's book that was previously called "Contemplative Living" has been republished by AnamChara Books under the title "Deeper: Finding the Depth Dimension Beneath the Surface of Life". The Kindle version is available from Amazon, and the hard copy version can be ordered from or Takealot, or from your local bookshop through Ingram Distribution.